Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day
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Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

I have had diabetes my entire life, and I am very thankful for the fact that modern medical discoveries have helped me live a happy, healthy life despite my disease. I have had to watch what I eat and take medications daily for most of my life, and while i used to feel like I was "missing out" when other children were able to eat sugary candy and I wasn't, I eventually learned that sugar-free candy tastes great. I am always keeping up on the latest diabetes research, and while researching, I have also learned about many other diseases and ailments and how they are treated and controlled. I know others are too busy to browse a bunch of medical websites, like I like to do, so I decided to start a blog that others can visit that contains information on a variety of medical topics all in one place!

Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

Steps To Take If You Don't Want Any More Children

For Content

Perhaps there was a time in your life when you were prepared for a child, but that time has passed. A few things will help you ensure that you reduce the possibility of having another child. 

Reason Through the Decision

To make sure you don't want children, it's a good idea to come up with the list of reasons. They may be about finances, or a desire to have more free time and less responsibility, or simply a desire to be in a new life phase where taking care of small children is not a priority. Your list of reasons may be an important part of your appeal to your partner. 

Talk With Your Partner

If you don't want to have any more children, it's important to speak with your partner and get them on board. Make a compelling argument for why you are satisfied with the current number of children you have. If your partner didn't feel the same way, it may take them some time to come around, but a partner's cooperation will be important for making this happen. 

Talk About Birth Control

You may not have been using adequate birth control tactics in the past to fully prevent pregnancy. Discuss the idea of taking hormonal birth control or using an insert that releases hormones. Condoms are great to use, but they don't have as good of a prevention success rate as hormonal birth control. Other methods, such as withdrawal, are less successful. 

Think About Permanence

Are you sure that you don't want any more children? Have you felt that way for a long time? There are more permanent methods of child birth control that you might want to consider. For males, getting a vasectomy procedure is a semi-permanent way to prevent child birth. If you do decide to have more children later, you can actually have the procedure reversed. For females, getting your "tubes tied" or having a hysterectomy is an option. This procedure can also prevent some symptoms of the onset of menopause other feminine issues, such as heavy and painful periods. 

Imagine the Outcome If a Pregnancy Occurs

So, you and your partner have already discussed that you would like to try and prevent another pregnancy. But what happens if a pregnancy still does occur? Being on board with that outcome is just as important as discussing the possibility of keeping your family size small. 
