Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day
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Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

I have had diabetes my entire life, and I am very thankful for the fact that modern medical discoveries have helped me live a happy, healthy life despite my disease. I have had to watch what I eat and take medications daily for most of my life, and while i used to feel like I was "missing out" when other children were able to eat sugary candy and I wasn't, I eventually learned that sugar-free candy tastes great. I am always keeping up on the latest diabetes research, and while researching, I have also learned about many other diseases and ailments and how they are treated and controlled. I know others are too busy to browse a bunch of medical websites, like I like to do, so I decided to start a blog that others can visit that contains information on a variety of medical topics all in one place!

Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

Faqs About Testosterone Pellets

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If your doctor has determined that your testosterone levels are low, supplementing with testosterone is sure to make you feel a lot better. You can expect your energy levels to increase, your libido to return, and your facial hair to grow thicker. One common testosterone supplement option that doctors recommend is testosterone pellets, also known as testosterone implants. If this is the form of testosterone therapy you're considering, then you can benefit from knowing the answers to these common questions.

Where and how will the pellets be implanted?

These testosterone pellets are only about the size of a small grain of rice. Your doctor will typically implant them near your hip. If you do not have enough subcutaneous fat in this area, then they will place the implant in your buttock instead. In either case, the process of having the pellet implanted is very simple. Your doctor will clean the area with an alcohol pad. Then, they will inject a local anesthetic to numb the area. Finally, your doctor will use what looks like a wide syringe to inject the pellets beneath your skin. You won't feel a thing at this point, thanks to the local anesthetic.

How long do the pellets last?

The pellets will slowly release testosterone into your body. They do this constantly, which is one reason why testosterone pellets are preferable to other options, like injections, that lead to varying levels of testosterone throughout the day. The pellets typically last about 6 months. They dissolve completely; there is nothing for your doctor to remove when the pellets are no longer active. Your doctor will simply insert more pellets where the previous ones were. 

What are the possible side effects of testosterone pellets?

There is a small risk of infection, as with any injection. This risk can be minimized by keeping the treated site clean after the pellets are injected. Sometimes patients also experience acne, insomnia, and mood swings after having the pellets put in place. Usually, this just means your dose is too high. Your doctor can remove one or two of the pellets, reducing the amount of testosterone you are exposed to, and that should ease the side effects considerably.

Testosterone pellets are one of the most convenient testosterone supplementation options. One appointment with your doctor and you're set for six months! Most patients find that this treatment option is the one they need for sustained higher hormone levels. 
