Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day
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Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

I have had diabetes my entire life, and I am very thankful for the fact that modern medical discoveries have helped me live a happy, healthy life despite my disease. I have had to watch what I eat and take medications daily for most of my life, and while i used to feel like I was "missing out" when other children were able to eat sugary candy and I wasn't, I eventually learned that sugar-free candy tastes great. I am always keeping up on the latest diabetes research, and while researching, I have also learned about many other diseases and ailments and how they are treated and controlled. I know others are too busy to browse a bunch of medical websites, like I like to do, so I decided to start a blog that others can visit that contains information on a variety of medical topics all in one place!

Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

ADHD: What Is It and What Treatments Can Help?

For Content

ADHD is fairly common. If you'd like to learn more, here is a quick look at getting a diagnosis and comparing your treatment options.  

What Is ADHD?

ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common disorders diagnosed in children. Around 9.4% of children are estimated to have ADHD in the United States. ADHD is thought to be more common in young boys than it is in young girls, but girls also seem to be misdiagnosed. Simply put, ADHD affects impulsivity, the ability to pay attention, and hyperactivity. 

What Causes ADHD? 

There aren't many factors that are proven to cause ADHD. The only factor that can be linked to causing ADHD is genetics. If you have a relative who is diagnosed with ADHD, you are a lot more likely to develop ADHD yourself. Another thing that may cause ADHD (but not proven fully) is premature birth. 

How Is ADHD Diagnosed? 

To be diagnosed, your doctor will need to complete an ADHD evaluation. This is not something that can be diagnosed during a school physical as it needs to be a thorough evaluation. The first step to diagnosing ADHD is to determine whether or not you have the signs and symptoms of ADHD. Some common symptoms can include:

  • Often make careless mistakes
  • Trouble focusing
  • Fidgeting
  • Easily distracted
  • Talk too much
  • Frequently interrupts others

The next step to a diagnosis is an interview by your doctor. Your doctor may also want to interview people who are close to you to get another person's viewpoint. Your doctor may also require you to take some tests, like an IQ test or psychoeducational test. A physical exam will help determine if medication would be a suitable treatment. 

The last step in a diagnosis is testing your learning ability. Because other conditions will play hand-in-hand with ADHD, it is sometimes helpful to test math, reading, comprehension, etc skills. 

What Are the Types of ADHD Treatment?

There are a couple of different ADHD treatment options that could help you or your child feel a bit more in control again.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy can help with many things. A few of those things include:

  • Training the parents to handle behaviors 
  • Helping to train the children to control their behaviors
  • Training for classroom behavioral management

Behavior therapy is most effective when all three of the managements above are used together so that everyone is aware and prepared to handle this disorder. 


Some people do not like the idea of being dependent on meds to help control their moods, but the medications more so help manage the symptoms of ADHD rather than control the mood. Medication doses will depend on the person as everyone will react differently to each medication. If you or your child gets a prescription, this may need to be adjusted a few times before finding the right dosage. 

It is sometimes recommended that someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD utilize both ADHD treatment options for the best results. 
