Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day
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Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

I have had diabetes my entire life, and I am very thankful for the fact that modern medical discoveries have helped me live a happy, healthy life despite my disease. I have had to watch what I eat and take medications daily for most of my life, and while i used to feel like I was "missing out" when other children were able to eat sugary candy and I wasn't, I eventually learned that sugar-free candy tastes great. I am always keeping up on the latest diabetes research, and while researching, I have also learned about many other diseases and ailments and how they are treated and controlled. I know others are too busy to browse a bunch of medical websites, like I like to do, so I decided to start a blog that others can visit that contains information on a variety of medical topics all in one place!

Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

Can You Eliminate Your Spider Veins?

For Content

If you have small spider veins all over your legs, you may want to get rid of them right away. But if everything you do fails to eliminate your spider veins, consult a doctor soon. A doctor can use various treatments to eliminate the spider veins in your legs. Learn why you have spider veins in your legs and how a doctor can eliminate them below.

Why Do You Have Spider Veins?

Spider veins are tiny versions of varicose veins. But unlike varicose veins, which can be painful and large, spider veins are generally harmless. However, spider veins can be a great cosmetic concern for adults who have them.

Spider veins develop in the legs and other parts of the body over time. When the veins in your legs become weak, they stop pushing blood through them. Rather than flow freely through the veins, the blood begins to pool inside them. The pooling blood causes the veins to balloon out beneath your skin. 

Spider veins can be red, blue, or green. The veins can also look like spider webs or nets. Some adults avoid wearing shorts when they have large amounts of spider veins in their legs.

The veins in your legs won't heal themselves without a doctor's help. You can find the assistance you need by scheduling an appointment with a spider vein removal specialist.

How Can a Doctor Treat Your Spider Veins?

A doctor or specialist will examine the veins in your legs carefully. If the veins have increased in size or limited blood circulation through your legs, a doctor may recommend surgery to remove them. Your veins may actually be varicose veins rather than spider veins.

If your spider veins didn't increase in size or block blood flow through your legs, a doctor may go ahead and remove them. A doctor may use a laser to diminish or destroy the veins, or they may use chemicals to eliminate the veins. Most doctors use a technique called sclerotherapy to remove small spider veins. The technology disrupts blood flow or circulation to the veins. Without blood, the veins will die and dissolve into your body.

A doctor may ask you to wear compression stockings after your treatment. The stockings help your legs heal after treatment and may prevent new spider veins from forming in your legs. If you have any concerns about compression stockings and why you may need them, consult a doctor right away.

For more information about spider vein treatment, contact your doctor. 
