Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day
About Me
Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

I have had diabetes my entire life, and I am very thankful for the fact that modern medical discoveries have helped me live a happy, healthy life despite my disease. I have had to watch what I eat and take medications daily for most of my life, and while i used to feel like I was "missing out" when other children were able to eat sugary candy and I wasn't, I eventually learned that sugar-free candy tastes great. I am always keeping up on the latest diabetes research, and while researching, I have also learned about many other diseases and ailments and how they are treated and controlled. I know others are too busy to browse a bunch of medical websites, like I like to do, so I decided to start a blog that others can visit that contains information on a variety of medical topics all in one place!

Modern Medicine Saves Lives Every Day

  • A Midwife Can Help Minimize Stress During Childbirth

    2 March 2015

    The birth of your baby is a big deal. Between concerns as to whether you will be a good parent and the excitement of the entire process, these factors can cause a number of expectant mothers to have some level of anxiety and stress during labor. However, this stress can have a negative effect on your childbirth experience, so finding ways to reduce your stress level is important. Stress and Labor Progression

  • 3 Tips To Make The Most Of Your Loved One's Nursing Care Plan

    18 February 2015

    Whether your loved one has recently moved into a nursing home or will be doing so in the future, the fact remains that your loved one will have a detailed nursing care plan that will serve as a road map to his or her overall health and well being. Of course, it'll mostly be the nursing home staff's responsibility to ensure that your loved one follows his or her care plan, but there are also some steps that you can take to help your loved one achieve the highest quality of living while in nursing care.

  • What If You Are Allergic To The Sun?

    18 December 2014

    If you are having a problem with an itchy rash when you go out in the sunshine, then you could have a sun allergy. The good news is that there are many things that you can do to help your sun allergy. Sun Allergy Basics Sun allergy also goes by the terms "photodermatitis" and "photosensitivity." Sun allergy is an immune system response to the subtle changes to skin cells that happens when your skin is exposed to sunlight.

  • Going Hunting? 4 Tips For Protecting Your Hearing

    7 November 2014

    Hunting is a very popular activity for men, women, and children. It provides just enough challenge and excitement to make it entertaining for many. However, if you enjoy hunting, you are potentially putting yourself at risk of early hearing loss. This is especially true if the necessary precautions are not taken. Read on to learn a few interesting facts and how you can protect your hearing when out in the woods.

  • 3 Ways To Get Rid Of Plantar Warts

    6 November 2014

    There is a searing pain in your foot every time you take a step, and you notice calluses that resemble fish eyes. You have foot warts. With every step, the warts get pushed deeper and deeper inside the soles of your feet, causing more pain. Although it seems right now that you will never be free from the pain of foot warts, you don't have to suffer from the pain forever.